I'd prayed about it. It was
not something I really desired to do but I felt Him leading me in the direction
of the opportunity in front of me. I struggled with the decision but knew it
was what He wanted so I said yes. I began to pray about this new responsibility
and prepare myself for the changes it would bring into my life. I'd have to
travel and do things I really wasn't interested in, but I had peace about it
because I knew it was what He had been asking of me.
The next week I was at a dinner and, unbeknownst to me, the guest speaker got up to introduce the new person in the ministry position I'd just accepted. As Elizabeth was introduced I sat bewildered and a little embarrassed.
I later shared what happened with my husband who called one of the two people in charge of this position. Frank was beside himself and angry that this had taken place without his knowledge. Frank contacted Melinda (the other person in charge) and she assured him that Elizabeth was indeed given the position.
Two branches of this ministry team looking in different directions without consulting each other caused a lot of confusion over the next several days. Emails were sent to all involved, apologies were made, conversations held, all the while with me wondering if I'd gotten it wrong.
I was relieved that I didn't have to take this position and was thrilled that my friend Elizabeth got it, she would be much better at it than I would. She's proven this to be true in the years since.
I still struggled with the decision since I'd known God had wanted me to say yes, but then I realized that maybe the yes was all He wanted. I think sometimes He just wants to know we are willing to do what He asks, even if it is something we don't want to do.
By taking this position, Elizabeth has gotten to shine and grow her personality in a way what would have had me shrinking back. By me not having it I've been able to focus on things that have taken more of my time and energy than I'd thought would.
Through this I've been reminded once again that God will never do anything to hurt or harm us and that His tests cause us to grow. I could have reacted to this in several ways that wouldn't have pleased Him.
Rejection: I could have taken this personally and looked at it as if I'd been rejected. Once I'd done this I would have surely had a list as long as a six-year old's Christmas list, filled with reasons for the rejection which would have only left me in a puddle of self-pity.
Comparison: Elizabeth is younger than I and offers different skills than I do, but different does not mean better. I could have spent hours awake at night going over all of the reasons why she was a better choice than me. This would have ruined our friendship.
Anger: I could easily talk
myself into being justified with anger over this situation. I mean, it was
unfair. I should not be treated like this. Who did they think they were? I
could let it downward spiral until I ruined a friendship with Elizabeth and
ruined my reputation with the ministry leaders.
The list goes on. No matter
which I'd chose it would never be better than choosing to let it go. By letting
it fly away I was able to maintain the friendship with Elizabeth and encourage
her to shine in her special way. I maintained my reputation with the ministry
leaders, and kept my testimony of what the Lord is doing in and through me in
Through all of this I was
reminded that sometimes He just wants our willingness. Sometimes all He wants
is yes.
About the Author:
Suzanne Schaffer has been in full-time ministry with her husband Wayne since 1992, pastoring in Pennsylvania and Illinois. She has two grown children and spends most of her days either writing or reading with a cup of tea close by. She enjoys attending auctions and sometimes brings home more stuff than she knows what to do with. She believes life is too short for mediocre food and insists on having good chocolate in the house at all times. You can connect with Suzanne at her blog, www.notenoughchocolate.blogspot.com