As pastor's wives, certain struggles can be hard to admit.
That sometimes our marriages need work, too.
That depression and mental illness also affect us and our loved ones.
That criticism hurts.
That change is hard.
That we can struggle with finding our identity and our place in ministry.
That sometimes we just need a break.
In Sacred Privilege, Kay Warren honestly and vulnerably shares about all these struggles and more. Today we know Kay as wife of Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren, advocate for caring for orphans, those living with HIV/AIDS, and those coping with mental illness, as well as a nationally-known author and speaker in her own right. But Kay was once a young pastor's wife struggling with difficulty in her own marriage as well as the scars of childhood abuse, all while figuring out how to do life and ministry. She writes to pastor's wives as one who is in the trenches with us, reminding us that despite the burdens of ministry, serving in Christ's name is still a privilege.
Sacred Privilege is a book for the twenty-first-century pastor's wife. No dated advice about casseroles or lipstick here. Kay is real about the real struggles pastor's wives face today, offering biblical counsel and wisdom gained through her own experiences. The questions she deals with are questions I've asked and heard others ask as well, and I'm grateful that she checked writing a book for ministry wives off her bucket list.
I've got a variety of books for ministry wives on my shelf, but Sacred Privilege is going to the top of my list of books I recommend to new ministry wives and women looking for encouragement in their role as pastor's wives. Get it. Read it. You will be blessed.
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