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17 April

When the Tireds Threaten

Most often they attacked on Friday, but sometimes Ginny noticed the tireds caught her earlier in the week. Whether the fatigue was physical, mental, or emotional, the effect was the same. As if a dense fog surrounded her, dulling her senses. Have you been there?

The assault was especially troublesome whenever negative circumstances overwhelmed her, like last year’s retreat fiasco. But this invasion was coming after the women’s group declared the annual event a blessed success. It didn’t seem possible that so much delight could bring the same result as a wretched disappointment.

Back then Ken, her pastor husband, told her to carry her sorrow and grief to the Lord, and he’d been right. God heard her cries and filled her with His peace and strength. She’d still be in that dark place if it weren’t for His tender care. But this round made no sense . . . until the study she was working on came to mind. Her feet dragged her to the dining room where her materials sat on the antique table.

The rush seat creaked as she dropped into the straight back chair. Her Bible was still turned to Luke 10, and as her eyes scanned verses 38-42, her imagination went to a New Testament village. A near-party atmosphere flowed from the account, and she sensed these women would have been thrilled to open their home to Jesus of Nazareth.

Ginny identified with Martha and pictured her as the busy hostess scurrying around to make everything as perfect as possible for such an important guest. It reminded her of all she’d poured into the retreat. And she remembered with chagrin that she had complained to Ken some of the committee members weren’t carrying their weight.

Her index finger followed the key words.

She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His Word. But Martha was distracted by all her preparations.*

Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part.**

Could it be that her contribution to and excitement over the successful weekend had drained her reserves? She pondered the possibility and had to admit all the effort and organization had distracted her from her daily habit of praise and worship. It was indeed possible that, like Martha, she’d lost sight of the only one thing necessary, to rest in her Savior’s presence.

A grin spread across her face for she knew exactly what to do. She flipped the pages to Isaiah 40 and read the verses God had embedded in her heart when He met her the previous year.*** Nothing is hidden from His eyes and He never succumbs to the tireds. When asked, He shares His strength with His children until they soar like eagles. Now she knew that meant in any situation, whether she was frowning or smiling.

How about you?

What route do you take when the tireds come after you?
*Luke 10:39-40, NASB unless otherwise noted
**Luke 10:42
***Isaiah 40:27-31

Brief Bio
Sandra Allen Lovelace is a continuing missionary, a pastor’s wife emeritus, and a homeschool pioneer. She’s an award-winning speaker and author, and a sought-after mentor. Sandra’s a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and her current manuscript is Wallflower Women: Ways We Get Stuck & How to Walk in Freedom. She enjoys hiking with a camera in her hand, best done on an international adventure. Sandra and her husband Curt are transitioning to South Carolina.

Get to know Sandra at her website, http://sandraallenlovelace.com/

You can also connect with Sandra on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Photo by Stacey Rozells on Unsplash

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